America's Favorite Deadman

Call me whatever name you can think of, I don't give a rat's patootie. The Undertaker is the greatest. Sign me up for Deadman, me raise my fist in the air, and howl along with all the rest of the true Taker fans out there as Limp Bizkit's "Rollin" blares through the TV. The World Wrestling Federation is pure sick entertainment, and I love it. And at it's center, besides SCSA and The Rock..(I will repeat, Keith and Terri; "I do not like them, Sam I Am.") Mark Callaway, a.k.a. The Undertaker. This man has been in the business almost 11 years, and as far as I am concerned, has made the biggest impact. From his early days, to the Ministry, to becoming the American Bad Ass, Taker has cut a sizeable path through the World Wrestling Federation, and there is no way he'll be lost in the crowd, no matter when he retires.

Do you understand yet?! I LOVE me some Taker. Take me for that Last Ride, baby.

The links you will find here are to fans out there with truly great sites dedicated to America's favorite deadman. There is no way I would have the time to do one of my own, so I just go to these pages and wear out my eyes for a couple hours. More than likely I'll put up a comment or two here after each Raw and Smackdown!, for rememberance sake, since I'm not like my friend "Mr. Rhymer" and have episodes on tape from the 1980's.

Devoted to the WWF's Undertaker - So far the best and most comprehensive Taker site I've seen! From his history, to interviews, merchandise and fanfiction, this site has it all!

The Unwrapped Undertaker - Another fascinating site with intersting links and pictures! For a kick, check out "Taker's Tongue"!

Taker's Eyes



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