Meet the Inmates...

confettiI can't believe it. I actually have something to put up on this page! *L* At the end of May this year, Terri and I made a sojourn down to the good old state of Virginia to torture--uhh, visit--our family. Uncles Ralph, Joe and Tim with our respective aunts are not so scattered around the Richmond and Petersburg area. (I still feel bad that we didn't get to see the Matoaca crew...miss you four!)

confettiMy Uncle Norman and his family from Durham decided to come up the same weekend, and we had a blast between the families that could get together. We also went out a few times...once to King's Dominion, pictures of which should be up by the weekend.

confettiThe pictures you will find are of our little bowling excursion on Wednesday night, along with some extras. Enjoy! Oh, and don't mind my random thoughts...I have the occasional brain blackout...


Lookin' GOOD, girl!

How much sugar did THEY have?

Nope, sorry...I had more sugar. Maybe I shouldn't have had the almond paste.

Girl, that ain't no limo!

What IS it?? She's dragging an innocent *cough* man into her delusions!

Looks like Mitch shared his drink with Christopher....

Khrys: Wait! I actually hit something that time! sweet....*gag, wink*

They're only eating the pizza at that table, Uncle Joe! They had soda! *LOL*

Tsk tsk tsk....missed that turkey, did ya?

Don't be fooled, single ladies...we know what he's really like!

What happens when siblings don't share the french fries.

This is why I stress the value of an education to my library kids...

Had to slip this in here...isn't she cute!! I can't believe she's actually related to Krystal!

(cartoon voice)-"Listen up big guy, I got three good reasons why you should just walk away.."




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