Welcome to Neverland...

starProbably the only time I will wish I was a guy--and gay.

If anyone wants to take this quiz, go here:

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, who does NOT like the fabulous new show, "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." Finally, I can believe once again in the marketability of cable television. Five gay guys-Kyan, Carson, Thom, Ted, and Jai(pronounced Jay)-set out to make over the guys of our world...okay, just the sloppy ones in the Tri-State Area. A truly excellent and hilarious show to watch. The best part is seeing the horror-filled and slightly homophobic looks on our poor subjects faces turn to interest and an undeniable wish to make their lives better. In the words of QEftSG, "make better, not makeover". From filth, to pubes, to blood(yes, blood! Check out episode 111), our Fab 5 does a tremendous job. "Cheers, Queers"...

Now for the handy links:

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: The Official Site

Straight Eye for the Queer Shows: A great site dedicated to the Fab 5, among other Queer Show Links.

Drunks' Eye on the Queer Guys: A hilarious drinking game, meant to be played while watching QEftSG. Girls, the next time we have a sleep over, this is the way to go...

***This of course, is just for me, since no one really has this URL, and I don't really update it. Oh well. Lets see if I get the motivation for it before the year ends.

Dani or Sherri or whoever...




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